The purpose of this policy is to ensure Entegra’s commitment to utilising ethical suppliers and identifying any modern slavery risks in Entegra’s supply chain. We are committed to taking steps to address and mitigate these risks.
Modern slavery is a significant global issue. The World Economic Forum reports that slavery in supply chains generates $150 billion USD in illicit profits annually, with 46 million victims worldwide. Two-thirds of modern slavery occurs in the Asia-Pacific region, where many Australian supply chains extend. Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights, which takes various forms, including:
Slavery, servitude (coercing someone to provide services), and forced and compulsory labour;
Human trafficking (facilitating the travel or movement of a victim with the intention of exploiting them);
Committing any offence intending to commit human trafficking;
Aiding, abetting, counselling, or procuring any of the above offences.
All of these practices exploit individuals for personal or commercial gain. Entegra is committed to conducting its business and relationships with integrity.
Entegra has a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking within its business and supply chain. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings, and we implement effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our operations or supply chains.
Steps Taken
To support our policy commitments, Entegra undertakes to:
Conduct risk assessments to determine which parts of our business and supply chains are most at risk from modern slavery, focusing efforts on those areas.
Engage directly with new suppliers, where appropriate, to understand the measures they have in place to prevent modern slavery within their businesses.
Include provisions in our contractual documentation that prohibit slavery, servitude, forced or trafficked labour, and child labour.
Require our contracted suppliers to ensure their own suppliers uphold the same standards.
Entegra is dedicated to ensuring adherence to this policy as part of its efforts to prevent, detect, and report modern slavery in any part of its supply chain. We encourage everyone working on behalf of the company to avoid any activities that could lead to, or suggest, a breach of this policy.